Friday, November 17, 2017


In a feel-good story today, we learn of a high school football team i Georgia who took matters into their own hands when the local school system was forced to end the coaches participation in before-game prayers.  PJMedia reports.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to a Georgia high school coach’s practice of praying with his players.
These atheists intended to put an end to coaches praying with their players, but the students took it upon themselves to organize a pre-game prayer.
 "Our students have done a great job and our students took it upon themselves to organize a prayer with our students in the stands before the game. Instead of it being 100 players praying, it turned into 400 students praying. That's their right and we are going to support them in that," Small said
The atheists made an issue of it, and the number of participants quadrupled.   God has a way of turning adversity into a blessing.

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