Friday, March 27, 2015

Finally Friday

It's finally Friday, and I realize I didn't post at all yesterday.  Still, the news this morning is interesting.

Harry Reid is calling it quits.  Not immediately, of course, but this is good news for us, and good news for Nevada.

Some fool launched a machete attack in New Orleans.He's dead now, of course, being shot to death by a responding sheriff's deputy.  Hooray for the good guys.

Milady has instructed me that I'll make myself presentable for supper with friends this evening, and I'm okay with that.  I'll put on a clean shirt and leather shoes so as not to embarrass her.  Tomorrow, it's Cowboy Fast Draw for an organziation meeting at the club.  We're trying to get affiliated with the national organization, and it looks like we're ready to make application.

Y'all have a great weekend.

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