Friday, April 06, 2012

Good Friday

I got up early this morning and finished manicuring the lawn for the Easter weekend. I've got two cases of catfish filets thawing in a cooler and in another hour or so I'll go outside and finish trimming them and slicing them into manageable portions. Then load the truck with my cooking gear. We'll eat fried fish and all the fixin's at 6:00 sharp, then a small worship service.

This is my penance for the Lenten season. I tell the ladies at the church that this is the only time of the year when I fry fish without a beer in my hand. I will have an ice chest full of diet Dr. Pepper for liquid refreshment.

I've got to go get propane, then double-check my list.


Anonymous said...

Good penance I suppose, but real men barbecue with charcoal. Just sayin' :)

Pawpaw said...

Good point, Cliff, but I'm frying fish. While that can be done with charcoal, it takes a long time to get the grease hot. And a lot of charcoal. I'll continue to fry fish using propane and a huge, honking burner.

Termite said...

I thought Methodists were OK with mixing beer and fried fish.......unlike the Southern Baptists and the Pentecostals.

Pawpaw said...

NO, Termite, the Methodists are adamantly dry. No alcohol allowed on the church grounds at all. Most big Methodist churches sponsor AA groups and the bylaws of the church are plainly anti-alcohol.