Sunday, March 07, 2010


There's one in every war. During WWII, the British had Lord Haw-Haw. During Vietnam we had Jane Fonda.

Hot Air is breaking the story that the Pakistanis have captured the American traitor to the Taliban, Adam Gadahn. Gadahn is an American, born in Oregon and has taken cause with the Taliban, making videos that purport to tell the other side of the story and exhort Muslims in the United States to embrace jihad against us.

Traditionally, hanging has been the customary penalty for treason. We should offer Gadahn a speedy trial and a timely demise.

**UPDATE** CBS News says it isn't Gadahn. Well, hell. Maybe the guy they caught is US born, maybe not. We'll wait 48 hours and see how the news sorts out. Either way, if he is US born, he should get acquainted with a short length of hemp.


Anonymous said...

I am still at a loss to explain why Fonda has yet to dance the Tyburn Jig. It is long overdue. John Effin' Kerry as well.

Gerry N.

Windy Wilson said...

Oh, but treason is so 19th century. We're in the 21st century now, and aid and comfort are such vague terms, why, even that CNN reporter in Baghdad might have been charged with treason 150 years ago, and we KNOW he was just doing his job as a good reporter.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for Naval Catch-and-Release. An old junker of a car that still rolls, catapulted off the front of a carrier far out at sea.

The fish will get a new home and a snack.