Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sixty Votes

Everybody on my side of the aisle is pissed off at Senator Ben Nelson because he struck the best deal he could for his state and he's considered the 60th vote for cloture on ObamaCare.

Mary Landrieu did the same thing. She just did it earlier and cheaper.

It takes 60 votes and everyone who votes for this monstrosity is wrong. Not just Nelson and Landrieu, but everyone. And, it's the Republican's fault. Yeah, the Republicans. When they had control of the wheel, they could have enacted meaningful health-care legislation, things like allowing insurance to be sold across state lines, meaningful tort legislation, reforming Medicaire. Things like that. But they didn't.

One of the centerpieces of Obama's campaign was health care. If the Republicans had taken care of it when they had the wheel, it wouldn't be an issue today. If the Republicans had taken care of Fannie and Freddie it wouldn't have been an issue.

I believe this bill is wrong for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that it taxes one group of citizens to care for another group of citizens. But, it looks like it's going to be law, and it took more than Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu to make it law. And, if the opposition had been statesmen in the past, none of this would be necessary today. But they didn't.

Which is why we need to run the bums out of office at the first opportunity.


Zdogk9 said...

if the bastard is running for re-election they've been there too long. Fix it.

J said...

The Republicans will back meaningful health-care legislation only if it means more profits for the health insurance companies.

zdogk9 said...

That's about it for the Democrats also.