Friday, October 02, 2009


So, Sen. Thomas Carper (D.-Del.), says he's not going to read the language of the health care bill because it's too confusing. Seriously.
“I don’t expect to actually read the legislative language because reading the legislative language is among the more confusing things I’ve ever read in my life,” Carper told
It's too confusing to read.

How about this, Senator. Go back to the drawing board and write a bill that's not confusing. That's your job. Better yet, Go back and read Article 1 of our Constitution and tell me where you find that it's government's job to worry about health care.



Old NFO said...

Agreed is SPADES- We need to vote these asshats out next year!

Bob@theest said...

Same asinine logic I heard in another life: "We won't order it because it'll take too long to get it."

So, dumbass, if it takes a month and you order it today you'll have it a month, right? Just when will you have it if you *don't* order it, pray tell?

Rivrdog said...

Rail, tar, map to city limits.

Some preparation required.

Feathers optional.