Saturday, August 30, 2008

More on Palin

It didn't take the nutroots long to jump on Sarah Palin as McCain's VP pick. Of course, we have to expect that. We're in a political race and they've got to jump on something. However, some of their objections are laughable. Lets look.
1. The most unqualified person on the ticket ever, which severely damages McCain main argument against Obama
Actually, Palin has over 10 years of executive experience, both in running a town and in running a state. That compares against the executive experience of Obama at exactly ZERO years executive experience. It looks to me like Obama is the most unqualified person on any ticket, ever.

2. The most transparent, calculating VP pick ever. Doesn't this have the potential to piss of more Hillary voters that attract them?
Transparent? Any more transparent than Kennedy picking Johnson? Or Carter picking Fritz Mondale? Presidential candidates pick running mates for a variety of reasons. Why do you think Obama picked Biden. Ole Joe Biden, from where? Oh, Delaware. A state that should have been a county. I mean, how many votes does it take to get elected in Delaware? Twenty? Twenty five?

3. Country first? Doesn't this totally, completely undercut the "Country First" argument? Is this really the best pick for the COUNTRY? It might be the best pick for McCain...but the COUNTRY?
And how is Obama the better pick for the country? No legislative accomplishments, no executive experience. No record of doing anything substantial. He's an empty suit running on sips of hope and breaths of change. If you want what's best for the country, you should run screaming from the Democratic ticket.

4. One of the most unknown VP picks ever.
Unknown until yesterday, everywhere outside of Alaska. But still a good pick. An eminently good pick.

5. CURRENTLY AND ACTIVELY involved in a corruption scandal.
Evidently, it's considered corruption in Alaska if a governor runs off a Public Safety Commissioner. Here in Louisiana, it's considered a perquisite of the office. Our governor gets to appoint his cabinet, and no one makes a fuss about it. If you're on the outgoing cabinet... well there's a reason it's called outgoing. It seems that there is some sort of background about a state trooper that was involved in a nasty abusive divorce, making threats to in-laws, and starting fights in bars while flashing his badge. I'd have run his ass up the road, too. This scandal is a non-starter.

6. Does she reassure anyone with their economic anxiety?
What the hell does this mean? What economic worries? Get a job!

7. Does she help at all with foreign policy?
8. Will get schooled by Biden in the VP debates. Has she ever offered a single opinion on foreign policy?
Okay, tell me how many countries have active borders with Delaware? Oh, that's right. None. Zero. There's that unfortunate number again that is so elegantly associated with the Democratic ticket. Zero. Alaska has two foreign countries in near proximity, Russia, and Canada.

Palin, by herself, trumps the whole Democratic ticket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to mention, she's HOT!
